Download SHELF

The main package of SHELF is delivered as a ZIP file. The package comprises many files: first read the overview document ‘SHELF Overview.pdf’.

What’s new in version 4

  • Additional advice for organising and conducting SHELF elicitation workshops, in the form of new documents covering discrete quantities, the new extension method and how to handle many quantities of interest.

  • Two new SHELF 3 templates. One is designed for eliciting judgements about a discrete quantity of interest. The other is for the extension method, which can be used to elicit judgements about a single quantity by conditioning on another quantity, or to elicit a joint distribution for two or more quantities that are not judged to be independent.

  • A new PowerPoint slide set to assist with the extension method.

  • Supporting software for implementing the extension method.

  • An example of a completed SHELF 3 Extension template.

Register your interest

Before you download the package please consider registering with us so that we can see how much interest there is in SHELF. If you would like to receive future announcements about SHELF you can also join our mailing list.

SHELF registration form